Dragnet 1.0.6 - May 2006
- Compatibility with Vault 3.5 (which is not yet released)
- Added the ability to define more Status values as Open and Completed.
- Added an option to remember login.
- Printable pages now have a separate style sheet for more customization.
Bugs Fixes:
- Enter key in Goto Item box now works correctly with FireFox browsers.
- Improved page layout for FireFox browsers.
- Printable query results now display with the correct sort order.
- Printable page now shows up correctly for the Completed items on the Open and My Open pages.
- Switching projects from a Summaries item tracking start page no longer causes an error.
- Milestones with the same goal date are now grouped correctly on pages that are grouped by Milestone.
- Comments now show up correctly when added with a Vault Client in a different time zone.
- Scrollbars now show up correctly on list box controls in FireFox when using large fonts.