What's new in Vault 10?
Vault Professional / Standard
- Support for SQL Server 2019
- Support for Visual Studio 2022
- Support for Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2019
- Support for Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11
- Support for Eclipse 2022-03
- Support for Java 9 and up in the Vault Cross Platform Client
- Support for HTTPS using TLS 1.1/1.2 only configurations
- Server performance enhancements immensely reduces time to Branch, Label and Snapshot a folder
- Upload Large Files - You can now add files greater than 2GB in size
- File Cloak - Users can set the cloak property on files of which they do not want to retrieve with a GET
- Folder Changes Archive - Can set the file's time stamp date to Modified, Current or Check In
- Command Line Client
- BEGINDATE and ENDDATE options added to GET and GETWILDCARD to filter files using date ranges
- Comment accepted using the CHECKOUT command
- SETFILETIME option accepted in the BRANCH command
- DETECTNEW can discover and create change set items for unmanaged assets within working folders
- UNDOCHANGESETITEM, DELETE, and COMMIT now take working folder paths instead of repository paths
Additional Features and Bug Fixes Include:
- Ignore temp files/folders when using Single File Intellisense for C/C++ projects within Visual Studio.
- Upgraded Vault Web's AJAX toolkit.
- Corrected problem with Find in Files Index Server for repositories with multiple shared files within the same path
- Correctly assign security rights on %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NETFramework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files during server stallation.
- Fixed issue with expanding network drives, UNC paths, and other attached storage when adding files/folders within the GUI client.
- Rename a file/folder with a different case.
- Optimized performance within Vault 9 Repository Search when searching on Check Out Status only.
- GUI Client Task bar item shows progress of GET and other operations with Windows 7 and above.
- Fixed problem when adding multiple file attachments to a work item (Vault Pro).
- Associated Change Set comments can be configured to display in-line with work item comments (Vault Pro).
- Fixed problem with date/time values for queries of work items within Firefox (Vault Pro).