Vault Licensing FAQ
- How can I demo Vault?
First obtain a demo license at sourcegear.com/vault/eval/full.html. Once your demo license is emailed to you, install the Vault Pro server. At the end of the installation, you will be taken to the Licenses web page. On this page, enter the demo license and click the Add button.
- How can I get an extension on the 30 day demo?
Just ask us. Email sgstore@sourcegear.com and we'll be happy to help you.
- How can I get a demo license for more than 10 users?
Just ask us. Email sgstore@sourcegear.com and we'll be happy to help you.
- How come not all of my demo licenses are being counted?
Only the first demo license is counted, so delete any demo licenses that you don't want to use. If you need more users for your demo, please contact us at sgstore@sourcegear.com. Remember to delete any expired licenses.
If demo licenses exist on the server, all permanent licenses are ignored. You can tell which licenses are demo licenses on the Licenses web page, because demo licenses have an expiration date.
- I've completed my demo, and I love it. Where can I buy Vault Professional?
To purchase a Vault Pro license, go to https://csp.sourcegear.com/. Once your license has been emailed to you, input it in the Admin Web Client's licensing page. To bring up the Admin Web Client again, choose Start->Programs->SourceGear Vault Professional->Admin Web Client on the server machine, or use a web client to browse to http://(YOUR-SERVER-NAME)/VaultService/Admin. Once you've put your new permanent license in, remember to delete all demo licenses!
- What is Maintenance?
Maintenance is an annual subscription plan to help our customers keep current with new product releases. When we release a new version of our products, customers with a current maintenance subscription can receive the upgrade at no additional charge. Customers without maintenance can purchase the new release by paying an upgrade fee which is still considerably lower than the full price. Maintenance also includes technical support. Technical support is included with the purchase of a Vault license, but customers must keep current with the latest version of Vault for support to continue. Customers using older versions of Vault must purchase Maintenance for ongoing technical support.
For example, on a $449 product, one year of maintenance is $90.00 (20 percent), and the upgrade fee for each new release is typically $199. Maintenance is the most cost-effective and convenient way to stay current with the latest versions of our products.
- How do I upgrade my old Fortress license to work with the newest version of Vault?
You can upgrade to the newest version at https://csp.sourcegear.com/. After entering your information, copy the resulting license keys and paste them into the Vault Professional Admin Web Client's License page. To bring up the Admin Web Client again, choose Start->Programs->SourceGear Vault Professional->Admin Web Client on the server machine, or use a web client to browse to http://(YOUR-SERVER-NAME)/VaultService/Admin.
- How do I convert my Vault/Dragnet license to Vault?
Most upgrades can be handled automatically within the store. For a complete upgrade cost list, please see the Pricing page.
- The upgrade page tells me that "This serial number has already been upgraded." What can I do?
If you get this error, you will need to contact our sales department at sgstore@sourcegear.com in order to upgrade.